7 June 2015

This needs to be short and swift this week – so much to do and so little time! We’ve a celebratory celebration to organise this weekend (i.e., Penny has a celebratory celebration to organise) and there will be little or no time to do anything afterwards. So, you will have to put up with last week’s “news” and wait until next weekend for this weekend’s news (if that makes sense).

Those of you who are “friends” with either Nick or me will have already seen the photos from last Saturday’s family picnic in Radway. For those of you who have the good sense and good fortune not to be addicted to Facebook updates, the following will hopefully give you a feel for the marvellous excursion we enjoyed. Adam and Ava, Ms Playchute and I jumped into the car along with the ever sprightly Molly and set off to Radway where we were met by Nick, Lucy and Annabelle. We trudged our way up the hill, along the top through the woods emerging eventually to trudge down the hill again to find the perfect picnic spot adjacent to a few trees and a delightful pond. The weather was glorious, the sun shone and Ms Playchute’s picnic was, as we would expect, delicious and plentiful.

Tomorrow’s gathering (actually yesterday’s gathering as I am writing this on Friday morning before being given my instructions for the ways in which I can create as small a disturbance and hindrance as possible) is a celebratory celebration for Adam and Ava who were married in China in March. Yeah, who knew? So, tomorrow (i.e., yesterday) we have a number of friends of ours, friends of Adam’s and indeed even some friends of Ava’s turning up for a barbeque and wedding celebration. The weather is, thankfully, supposed to be warm and sunny – photos and a fuller description will follow next week.

A follow up to the government’s housing policy I wrote about last week. Just after I put last week’s Befouled News “to bed” I ran across an article in the Guardian with an assessment of the same policy by the former top Civil Servant.

it is wrong in principle and practice and will not address the urgent need to build more affordable housing.

As we know, however, this government has never let factual evidence get in the way of their ideological dogma.

Penelope posted a link to an article in the Mirror to my Facebook page. The Annual Naked Bike Ride was held last weekend. It’s held annually to highlight the dangers cyclists face from cars and traffic. One participant taking part in the ride in Canterbury was removed from the “race” before it had begun when he became – “over-excited and aroused.”

Everyone was taking their clothes off to get ready for the ride. I heard gasps and I turned around – it was a horrible sight.

Naked Bike Ride

Fortunately, I was able to reassure Ms Playchute that I was not the “over-excited and aroused” gentleman in question – I was nowhere near Canterbury – honest!

Finally, some “incredible” images of the earth from above in Friday’s Guardian.

Earth from above

And, finally, finally, a couple of similarly “incredible” images of Lake George from Steven White which Pam shared the other day (click for a larger version).

Steven White photo from Sauna Point Steven White photo of Sauna Point

And finally, finally, finally, a splendidly Happy Birthday to Hope and Zac Katz, both of whom, according to my calendar, will be 21 tomorrow! What are the chances of that?

Much love to you all,
